28 Jan
L Coy.(Aghada) 4th Battalion, 1st Brigade Cork.                    MA/MSPC/A/1(10) Part Two

The problem with the Bureau of Military History (BMH) documents is the diverseness within the claimed incidents that occurred and has been misread to a large degree by many, including a recent publication of the Republican movement which included L Company in East Cork. The picture to the right is a rough diagram of the 4th Battalion, Cork No.1 Brigade area of operations during the War of Independence in Cork taken from the document  MA/MSPC/RO/31.

“Witness statements were collected decades after the events described in them took place. Retrospective testimony of any kind –including other recorded interviews, Ernie O’Malley notebook interviews, or MSP testimony– has to be consulted in conjunction with contemporary sources and, where available, other interviews. Concordances with and deviations from both contemporary records and other accounts in witness statements are often deliberate and highly significant. Memories also have what oral historian Luisa Passerini describes as a ‘multiplicity of layers’, and part of the process of interpreting them is identifying and considering the influence of these various contexts in the texts. In short, the greater the reader’s knowledge of the surviving documentary record, and the factors influencing and informing the witness’s attitude and experience, the better able the reader will be to accurately interpret the full significant of the information Bureau interviewees impart.”

Bureau of Military History witness statements as sources for the Irish Revolution

 Eve Morrison

An example of Eve Morrison’s statement can be found in Patrick J. Higgins Witness Statement Number 1467 dated 25 July 1956, where he stated the following incident involving L company from Aghada on the attack of Cloyne R.I.C. Barracks,

"The first, what might be termed, major operation in which our company took part occurred in connection with an attack by the Cobh and Midleton Companies on the R.I.C. barracks at Cloyne. This attack took place on 8th May, 1920 and the job assigned to the Aghada Company was the blocking of roads leading from Fort Carlisle to Cloyne to prevent any assistance coming to the British garrison at Cloyne while the attack was on. About fifteen of the Aghada Company were engaged on the night in question, felling trees across the roads and erecting road blocks of stones in the district of Whitewell, situated about two miles from the village of Cloyne and four miles from Fort Carlisle. No British relief party attempted to get through to Cloyne from Fort Carlisle that night. 

Patrick J. Higgins Witness Statement 1467

Capt., Aghada Company, 4th Batt. Cork 1 Brigade.

In the Brigade Activity Report MA/MSPC/A/1(10) it states that the whole company from Aghada (eighty plus) were involved in the attack on Cloyne R.I.C. Barracks. Higgins Witness Statement states there were only “about” fifteen from Aghada. On closer inspection of the document MA/MSPC/A/1 (10), Cloyne’s K Company, which was formed in 1918 during the anti-conscription campaign were attached to the Aghada and Shanagarry companies. Cloyne’s K Company also state they were involved in the attack on the R.I.C. Barracks in Cloyne but under who? It was after the attack on the R.I.C. Barracks in Cloyne that K Company elected its own officers and was officially recognized as its own unit.

As this is a work in progress the list of names in L Company Aghada has become complex with many anomalies. The list of names signed off by John O’Shea (2nd Lt. from Saleen), who appeared to play a major role in L Company’s activities during the period of the first critical date July 1921, War of Independence.  The numbers varied from eighty four to eighty seven to a substantial drop to thirty five during the second critical date, Civil War July 1922.

I have used the documents to put the names to actions carried out by L Company Aghada during the War of Independence. The documents seem to have duplicated two names, James Higgins from the Ballinrostig Section and Michael Barry from the Saleen Section. Joseph Cosgrove is on the MA/MSPC/A/1 (10) list twice, first entry as 1st Lt. and further down the list as a volunteer with the same incident indicators. The list also shows twenty seven men involved in no actions and could possibly be ‘truceleers’ which would question the high figure of the mid eighty’s. Prior to the War of Independence in 1920, in 1918 Aghada had over three hundred sailors in the Royal Navy alone, not including the Army, Air Force or Merchant Navy. Over seventy men from Aghada were killed during the Great War. One of the men on the list is John Bolton from Farsid. He was living at an address in London, Edgeware Road, Paddington. John Bolton was recalled into the Royal Air Force during the Miners’ Strike in 1921 which could only happen if he had an English address at the time as no Irish reservist with an Irish address could be re-enlisted. He is on the list of names in L Company. The youngest volunteer in L Company in 1920 was fourteen year old Joseph Buckmaster and the oldest was Patrick O’Callaghan aged 57 from Trabolgan, making the average age thirty five.

L Coy. 4th Battalion, 1st Brigade Cork. Officers and Men as on the 11th July 1921              (MA/MSPC/RO/31 23 Sept. 1935)

List of officers of L Company up to and on 11th July 1921

0. C
P.J. Higgins to October 1920
Patrick V. O'Keeffe Ardra Rostellan to 15th February 1922 when arrested
James Cashman Whitegate to May 1921 when arrested
Michael Hegarty on 11th. July 1921

1st Lt
Joseph Cosgrove Ballinnookra Whitegate to 13th. February. 1921 when arrested.     Edmond McCarthy to 11th. July 1921.

2nd Lt.  
John O'Shea Saleen Ballinacurra on 11th. July on

Michael Hegarty to May 1921 and John O'Shea Saleen on 11th. July 1921.

Q.MEdmond McCarthy to February. 1921, William Conway on 11th. July 1921.

Letters indicate engagements MA/MSPC/A/1(10)

Total Strength of Company on 11 July 1921, First Critical Date 

O.C Michael Hegarty                  BEFGH
1ST Lt. Edmund McCarthy        BEFGH
2nd Lt. (Adjt.) John O’Shea      ABCDEFGH
Q.M William Conway                BFGH
I.O Thomas Higgins                 BFGH 

Saleen Section 
Michael Conway     XBCDFGH
Michael Ahern XBCDGH
Patrick Ahern XG
James Ahern XBCDGH
John Cullinane XBCDFGH
Thomas Lynch XBCG
George O'Brien XBCDGH
William Power XBCDFGH
Matthew Riordan G
Thomas Kellegher G
William Kellegher XBCDFGH
Cornelius McSweeney XBCDGH
Denis Hegarty XBCDG
Joseph Hegarty XBCDFGH
Lawrence Kelleher XCDGH
William Egan XBCGH
Michael Barry     XBCDG
Daniel Barry BXCDEFGH
Michael Barry   XBCDG       
Michael Ryan XCDGH
James Ryan XBCDG
Joseph Egan XBCDFGH
Robert Hartnett XGCD

23 Men

Below names on
James Wall F
William Butler BG
These names on no other List ???
Aghada Section
Joseph Cosgrove    BFGH James Cashman      BFGH
James Conway BFGH
Michae1 Flynn BCFH
Thomas Best XBCFGH
George McKillop
Patrick Smith
Patrick Lynch
Patrick Cashman
William Buckmaster GBH
John Sheehan
John Bolton
Daniel Mahony
Jeremiah Holligan
James Fitzgerald
Thomas Fitzgerald B
William Mulcahy
Joseph Buckmaster G
John Buckmaster
Patrick Morrison
Richard Morrison
Coleman Geary
John Kennefick G
David Smith
William Cusack
Robert Hayes HGFB
John Driscoll
John Smith
Thomas Sheehan BDHG
Patrick Sisk DBG
Patrick O'Callaghan
John J. McCarthy
John Bride
33 Men

Ballinrostig Section
Patrick V. O'Keefe       ABCDFG Patrick J. Higgins              A
James Higgins              HGFB
James Higgins               HGFB 

John J. Hegarty HGFB
William Hegarty HFB
James Hanley
John Walsh H
Cornelius O'Donovan
Michael Foley HB
William Foley XHGB
Cornelius Foley H
James O'Neill G
Patrick Kennedy XBFGH
Matthew Scanlon BGH
Edward Cashman
Patrick O'Sullivan H
John J. McCarthy BFH
Thomas Regan XBFGH
Maurice Hayes
John Kenneally
Samuel Sadler
John Harding XABGH

 23 Men

James Higgins & Michael Barry on the original list twice and indicated in red through out. 

 Ambush of D.I July 1920 – marked A

2nd Lt. (Adjt.) John O’Shea,  John Harding
Patrick V. O'Keeffe    
Patrick J. Higgins   

Raids on Military Stores – marked B

O.C Michael Hegarty
1st Lt. Edmund McCarthy
2nd Lt. (Adjt.) John O’Shea         Q.M William Conway
I.O Thomas Higgins
Aghada Section
Joseph Cosgrove
James Cashman
James Conway
Michael Flynn
Thomas Best
William Buckmaster
Thomas Fitzgerald
Robert Hayes
Thomas Sheehan
Patrick Sisk              
Saleen Section
Michael Conway
Michael Ahern
James Ahern
John Cullinane
Thomas Lynch
George O'Brien
William Power
William Kellegher
Cornelius McSweeney
Denis Hegarty
Joseph Hegarty
William Egan
Michael Barry
Daniel Barry
Michael Barry
James Ryan
Joseph Egan

Ballinrostig Section
Patrick V. O'Keeffe
James Higgins            
James Higgins            
John J. Hegarty
William Hegarty
Michael Foley
William Foley
Patrick Kennedy
Matthew Scanlon
John J. McCarthy
Thomas Regan
John Harding

               Total 44 men
James Higgins & Michael Barry on the original list twice and indicated in red through out. 

Raids on ships in harbour for shells September 1920 – marked C

2nd Lt. (Adjt.) John O’Shea
Aghada Section
Michae1 Flynn
Thomas Best
Saleen Section
Michael Conway
Michael Ahern
James Ahern
John Cullinane

Thomas Lynch
George O'Brien
William Power
William Kellegher
Cornelius McSweeney
Denis Hegarty
Joseph Hegarty
Lawrence Kelleher
William Egan
Michael Barry

Daniel Barry
Michael Barry                    
Michael Ryan
James Ryan
Joseph Egan
Robert Hartnett
Ballinrostig Section
Patrick V. O'Keefe

 Total 24 men

Raids on ships in harbour for shells October 1920 – marked D

2nd Lt. (Adjt.) John O’Shea
Aghada Section
Thomas Sheehan
Patrick Sisk
Saleen Section
Michael Conway
Michael Ahern
James Ahern            
John Cullinane
George O'Brien
William Power
William Kellegher
Cornelius McSweeney
Denis Hegarty
Joseph Hegarty
Lawrence Kelleher
Michael Barry          
Daniel Barry

Michael Barry                    
Michael Ryan
James Ryan
Joseph Egan
Robert Hartnett
Ballinrostig Section
Patrick V. O'Keefe
Total 21 men

Relief of column at Cloyne December 1920 – marked E 

O.C Michael Hegarty
1st Lt. Edmund McCarthy   
Daniel Barry

Collectors of arms fund – marked F

O.C Michael Hegarty
1st Lt. Edmund McCarthy
2nd Lt. (Adjt.) John O’Shea
Q.M William Conway
I.O Thomas Higgins
Aghada Section
Joseph Cosgrove
James Cashman
James Conway
Michael Flynn
Thomas Best
Robert Hayes
Saleen Section
Michael Conway
John Cullinane
William Power
William Kellegher
Joseph Hegarty
Daniel Barry
Joseph Egan            
Ballinrostig Section
Patrick V. O'Keeffe
James Higgins
James Higgins            
John J. Hegarty
William Hegarty
Patrick Kennedy
John J. McCarthy
Thomas Regan
Total 26 men

Seizure and care of horses – marked G 

O.C Michael Hegarty
1ST Lt. Edmund McCarthy 2nd Lt. (Adjt.) John O’Shea
Q.M William Conway
I.O Thomas Higgins
Aghada Section
Joseph Cosgrove
James Cashman
James Conway
Thomas Best
William Buckmaster
Joseph Buckmaster
John Kennefick
Robert Hayes
Thomas Sheehan
Patrick Sisk     
 Saleen Section
 Michael Conway
Michael Ahern
Patrick Ahern
James Ahern
John Cullinane
Thomas Lynch
George O'Brien
William Power
Matthew Riordan
Thomas Kellegher
William Kellegher
Cornelius McSweeney
Denis Hegarty
Joseph Hegarty
Lawrence Kelleher
William Egan
Michael Barry
Daniel Barry
Michael Barry                     
Michael Ryan
James Ryan
Joseph Egan
Robert Hartnett
Ballinrostig Section
Patrick V. O'Keeffe
James Higgins
James Higgins
John J. Hegarty
William Foley
James O'Neill
Patrick Kennedy
Matthew Scanlon
Thomas Regan
John Harding
                 Total 48 men                                                    

Ambush at Aghada in March (April) 1921 – marked H

O.C Michael Hegarty
1ST Lt. Edmund McCarthy
2nd Lt. (Adjt.) John O’Shea
Q.M William Conway
I.O Thomas Higgins

 Aghada Section
Joseph Cosgrove James Cashman James Conway
Michael Flynn
Thomas Best
William Buckmaster
Thomas Sheehan
Robert Hayes
Saleen Section
 Michael Conway
Michael Ahern
James Ahern
John Cullinane
George O'Brien
William Power
William Kellegher
Cornelius McSweeney
Joseph Hegarty
Lawrence Kelleher
William Egan
Daniel Barry
Michael Ryan
Joseph Egan   
Ballinrostig Section
James Higgins
James Higgins
John J. Hegarty
William Hegarty
John Walsh
Michael Foley
William Foley
Cornelius Foley
Patrick Kennedy
Matthew Scanlon
Patrick O'Sullivan
John J. McCarthy
Thomas Regan
John Harding
 Total 41 men

Ambush of Military at Saleen March 1921 – marked I

 Nil, No records of any incident official or unofficial

Men attach to a special column under John O’Shea from April 1921 to end of Period – marked X 

2nd Lt. (Adjt.) John O’Shea
Aghada Section
Thomas Best
Saleen Section
Michael Conway
Michael Ahern        
Patrick Ahern
James Ahern
John Cullinane
Thomas Lynch      
George O'Brien        
William Power
William Kellegher
Cornelius McSweeney
Denis Hegarty
Joseph Hegarty
Lawrence Kelleher
William Egan
Michael Barry
Daniel Barry

Michael Barry                  
Michael Ryan
James Ryan
Joseph Egan
Robert Hartnett
Ballinrostig Section
William Foley
Patrick Kennedy
Thomas Regan
John Harding
Total     26 men

Non Active – Possible ‘truceleers’

Aghada Section
George McKillop
Patrick Smith
Patrick Lynch
Patrick Cashman
John Sheehan
John Bolton
Daniel Mahony
Jeremiah Holligan
James Fitzgerald
William Mulcahy
John Buckmaster
Patrick Morrison
Richard Morrison
Coleman Geary
David Smith
William Cusack
John Driscoll
John Smith
 Patrick O'Callaghan
John J. McCarthy
John Bride
Ballinrostig Section 
James Hanley
Cornelius O'Donovan
Edward Cashman
Maurice Hayes
John Kenneally
Samuel Sadler
Total 27 men

Volunteers under the age of eighteen

Joseph Buckmaster 14
John Smith 15
John Driscoll 16
Patrick Lynch 16
Patrick Smith 16
Robert Hayes 16
William Mulcahy 16
John Buckmaster 16
William Hegarty 16
William Power 17
Michael Ryan 17
John Kennefick 17
Thomas Sheehan 17
Richard Morrison 17
Coleman Geary 17
Michael Foley 17

William Buckmaster 17
Thomas Best 17
William Foley 18
Matthew Riordan 18
Thomas Regan 18
John J Hegarty 18
Michael Barry x 2 17/18
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