27 May

“On the last day of May 1916, the cold waters of the North Sea brought the angel of death to every part of Ireland”.

The role of Irish Seamen, especially those from the Aghada area in the great history of the Royal Navy has thus far been an untold story, moreover the special contribution of the men from Aghada to that history. The greatest contribution came 31 May 1916 at the Battle of Jutland when one hundred and seven men born in the Aghada District fought in this greatest naval battle of World War I (during this period there were over three hundred serving in the Royal Navy born in the registered district of Aghada). These men from the registered district of Aghada served on the following forty six ships. HMS Agincourt, HMS Ajax, HMS Attack, HMS Bellerophon, HMS Benbow, HMS Birmingham, HMS Canada, HMS Centurion, HMS Collingwood, HMS Colossus, HMS Conqueror, HMS Constance, HMS Cordelia, HMS Defence, HMS Dublin, Duke Of Edinburgh, HMS Erin, HMS Gloucester, HMS Hampshire, HMS Indefatigable, HMS Inflexible, HMS King George V, HMS Lion, HMS Malaya, HMS Mandate, HMS Marlborough, HMS Martial, HMS Mindful, HMS Narwhal, HMS Neptune, HMS Nottingham, HMS Oak, HMS Obedient, HMS Onslaught, HMS Orion, HMS Phaeton, HMS Prince Royal, HMS Revenge, HMS Royal Oak, HMS Temeraire, HMS Thunderer, HMS Tiger, HMS Valiant, HMS Warrior, HMS Warspite, HMS Yarmouth. The above image is from "The Times" in 2016, is the sinking of the Indefatigable. It went down with the Queen Mary, on which seven men from Aghada lost their lives.

Sadly the following would lose their lives,

345701, Blacksmith, William Ahern, HMS Indefatigable.
J4773, Able Seaman, John Broderick, HMS Defence.
K24172, Stoker 1st Class, Timothy Buckley, HMS Indefatigable.
K18522, Stoker 1st Class, John Coleman, HMS Defence.
K24173, Stoker 1st Class, Maurice Condon, HMS Indefatigable.
165310, Chief Stoker, Thomas Connell, HMS Indefatigable.
M12378, Blacksmith's Mate, Maurice Cosgrove, HMS Defence.
K23835, Stoker 1st Class, Jeremiah Duhig, HMS Indefatigable.
194861, Able Seaman, Thomas Driscoll, HMS Indefatigable.
Gunner (T), Charles McCarthy, HMS Onslaught.
K23974, Stoker 1st Class, Christopher McCarthy, HMS Lion.
236291, Petty Officer, Michael Morrison H.M.S. Defence.
187778, Able Seaman, David O'Brien HMS Defence.
220997, Leading Stoker, Thomas Wafer, HMS Indefatigable.
                        The Battle of Jutland – Animation
A full account of the Battle of Jutland narrated by Admiral Jellicoe’s grandson as part of the Jutland Centenary Commemorations. The 24 minute animation gives the viewer an overview of the major “chapters” of the battle – the opening battle cruiser action, the Grand Fleet deployment, the Turn Away and the Night Destroyer actions. Additionally the 1917 submarine campaign is explained as a consequence of Scheer’s decision not to risk another Fleet-to-Fleet encounter. Graphics, animation, animated maps and contemporary photography illustrate key points. Click here.                 

The blackest day in the folk-memory of Guileen, was May 31st 1916, the date of one of World War One's most infamous naval engagements, the Battle of Jutland. About twenty young men from Guileen and the surrounding area died that day, and as word came through the sounds of women crying could be heard a mile distant, past the headlands at Lahard. A poignant story of the day relates that one woman went around sympathising in other houses unaware that her own son had also died and no one had the heart to tell her. A priest finally did.

Pat Fitzgerald, “Down Paths of Gold”

Ahern William (Whitegate memorial)
345701, Blacksmith, H.M.S. Indefatigable, Royal Navy.
 Born: 15 Feb 1882, Aghada, Co. Cork.
 Next of Kin: Wife, Margaret Ahern nee Coston, Cliff Cottage, Ballinatran, Whitegate, Co. Cork. Killed or died as a direct result of enemy action 31 May 1916, body not recovered for burial. Commemorated at Plymouth Naval Memorial Devon, United Kingdom.

Ahern-Killed in action on board H. M. S. Indefatigable on May 31st, William Ahern (blacksmith), sixth son of the late Richard and Mary Ahern, of Ballyvaloon, Whitegate, aged 34. Deeply regretted by his sorrowing wife, child, sisters, brothers, and a large circle of friends. R. I. P. On his soul, Sweet Jesus, have mercy.
Cork Examiner 13 June 1916.

Ahern-ln loving memory of William Ahern (blacksmith) of H. M. S. Indefatigable, who was killed in action on the 31st May 1916, off Jutland. Star of the Sea pray for him. (Inserted by his loving wife and child).
Cork Examiner. 31May1918.
Broderick John (Whitegate memorial)
J.4773, Able Seaman, H.M.S. Defence, Royal Navy.
Born: 12 January 1894, Guileen, Whitegate, Co. Cork.
Next of kin: Mother, Margaret, Guileen, Whitegate, Co. Cork.
Killed or died as a direct result of enemy action 31 May 1916, body not recovered for burial. Commemorated at Plymouth Naval Memorial Devon, United Kingdom.

Broderick-On May 31st, killed in action on H. M. S. Defence, John Broderick (A. B.) only beloved child of Margaret and the late John Broderick, of Guileen. Sacred Heart of Jesus have mercy on him.
Cork Examiner 13 June1916.
Broderick-ln sad and loving memory of my only child, John Broderick, of Guileen, who was killed in the Jutland Battle. On whose soul Sweet Jesus have mercy. Our Lady of Lourdes pray for him. (Inserted by his loving mother.)
Cork Examiner 31 May1918.

Buckley Timothy (Whitegate memorial)
K 24172, Stoker 1st ClassH.M.S. Indefatigable, Royal Navy.
Born: 10 October 1897, Guileen, Co. Cork.
Next of kin: Mother, Bridget Buckley nee Shea, Guileen, Whitegate, Co. Cork.
Killed or died as a direct result of enemy action 31 May 1916, Body not recovered for burial. Commemorated at Plymouth Naval Memorial Devon, United Kingdom.

Buckley-Killed in action on May 31st, off Jutland, on H. M. S. Indefatigable. Timothy Buckley, aged 18 years. Sadly mourned by his widowed mother, brothers, and sisters. Sacred Heart of Jesus have mercy on him. R. I. P.
Cork Examiner 13 June 1916.

Timothy Buckley, 1st Class Stoker, who was killed on the Indefatigable in the recent naval battle. He was a son of Mrs. Bridget Buckley, Guileen, Whitegate, Co. Cork.
Cork Examiner 22 June 1916.

Buckley-First Anniversary-ln ever-loving memory of my darling son, Timothy Buckley, Guileen, stoker, 1st class, who was killed on H. M. S. Indefatigable off Jutland on May 31st, 1915. Star of the Sea pray for him. We think of you in silence. No eyes can see us weep. But many a silent tear we shed. When others are asleep. Your loving face we'll never forget. The years may pass away. The loss of you we sadly feel. As keen as the first day. (Inserted by his loving mother, brothers, and sisters).
Cork Examiner 4 June 1917.

Buckley-ln loving memory of Timothy Buckley, of Guileen, killed in action off Jutland, on May 31st, 1916. Jesus have mercy on his soul. Star of the Sea pray for him. Were I to know the Jutland shore. Would be your grave for evermore. I'd clasp you to my loving heart. And never would I let you part. Beside your comrades you do sleep. In hallowed graves unknown: But your names is written in letters of gold. In the hearts you left at home. The blow was hard, the shock severe, to part with you we loved so dear. Deeply mourned by his loving mother, sisters, and brothers.

Cork Examiner 31 May1918.

Coleman John (Whitegate memorial)
K.18522, Stoker 1st Class, H.M.S. Defence, Royal Navy.
Born: 1 January 1893, Whitegate, Co. Cork.
Next of kin: Wife, Mary Colman nee Rainey, Guileen, Whitegate, Co. Cork.
Killed or died as a direct result of enemy action 31 May 1916. Body not recovered for burial. 

Commemorated Plymouth Naval Memorial, Devon, United Kingdom.

Condon Maurice (Whitegate memorial)
 K 24173, Stoker 1st Class, H.M.S. Indefatigable, Royal Navy.
Born: 1 May 1895, Guileen, Whitegate, Co. Cork.
Next of kin: Mother, Hannah Condon nee Calnan, Guileen, Whitegate, Co. Cork.
Killed or died as a direct result of enemy action 31 May 1916. Body not recovered for burial, Commemorated Plymouth Naval Memorial, Devon, United Kingdom.

Condon Second Anniversary- ln sad and loving memory of Maurice (Moss), Condon, killed in action on H. M. S. Indefatigable, May 31st, 1916. Son of Maurice Condon, Guileen, Whitegate. Sacred heart of Jesus have mercy on him. Star of the Sea pray for him. Though he has passed from all earth's cares. Is anchored safely from its fears: And yet our hearts with grief are wrung. Still flow our silent mourning tears. (Inserted by his parents, brother and sisters).                                                                                                                                 Cork Examiner 31 May 1918.
Connell Thomas
 165310. (R.F.R.DEV.A.4156), Chief Stoker, H.M.S. IndefatigableRoyal Navy.
Born: 22 June 1872, Aghada, Rostellan, Co. Cork.
Next of kin: Wife Margaret Connell nee Cotter, Main Street, Whitegate, Co. Cork.
Killed or died as a direct result of enemy action 31 May 1916. Body not recovered for burial, Commemorated Plymouth Naval Memorial, Devon, United Kingdom.
Cosgrove Maurice (Midleton Wall, Information incorrect)
M. 12378, Blacksmiths Mate, HMS Defence Royal Navy.
Born: Maurice William Cosgrove, 8 July 1890, Moville, Co. Donegal.
Next of kin: Sister, Elena May Cosgrove, Saleen, Co. Cork.
Killed or died as a direct result of enemy action 31 May 1916, body not recovered for burial. Commemorated at Plymouth Naval Memorial Devon, England.
Duhig Jeremiah (Whitegate memorial)
 K. 23835 Stoker 1st Class H.M.S. IndefatigableRoyal Navy
Born: 23 March 1896, Finure, Whitegate, Co. Cork.
Next of kin: Mother: Margaret nee Coughlan, Finure, Whitegate, Co Cork.
Killed or died as a direct result of enemy action 31 May 1916, body not recovered for burial. Commemorated at Plymouth Naval Memorial Devon, England.
Driscoll Thomas 
194861, Able Seaman,  H.M.S. IndefatigableRoyal Navy
Born: 10 July 1881, Aghada, Co. Cork.
Next of kin: John and Bridget Driscoll nee Bride, of Lower Aghada, Rostellan, Co. Cork.
Killed or died as a direct result of enemy action 31 May 1916, body not recovered for burial. Commemorated at Plymouth Naval Memorial Devon, England.

Able Seaman Thomas Driscoll, born in 1880, was the son of John and Bridget Driscoll of Rostellan in Cork. He enlisted straight from school at 16, following his brother James into the Royal Navy. Over two decades, he served on many ships, beginning on HMS Black Prince. He spent almost three years serving with HMS Indefatigable. It was lost at the Battle of Jutland, with over 1,000 men, of which at least 120 of them were Irish. Thomas was 36 years old. On 23 June 1916, the Cork Examiner reported: "Thomas Driscoll... was killed in action on board the Indefatigable in the recent naval engagement off Jutland. He was well known as a boxer, having fought at Cork, Middleton and Devonport. His many friends will regret his sad but gallant end."
Cork Examiner 23 June , 1916.
McCarthy Charles
Warrant Officer, Gunner, H.M.S. Onslaught.
 Royal Navy. Born:  27 July 1881, East Ferry, Co. Cork.
Next of kin: Sister, Bridget McCarthy
McCarthy- ln sad and loving memory of our darling brother, Charles McCarthy, warrant officer, of Carrigaline, County Cork, who lost his life on H. M. S. Onslaught, off Jutland, on June 1st, 1916. Sacred Heart of Jesus have mercy on his soul. In health and strength you left your home. Not thinking death was near. The blow was hard, the shock severe. To part with a brother we loved so dear. Though far away in a distant land. Our thoughts do often stray. Where you, dear Charlie lay. (Inserted by his loving sisters and brothers).
Cork Examiner 2 June 1917.
  “In a small four-walled cemetery on the East Coast, overlooking the sea, but far from the city's smoke and the battle’s din, thirty-three heroes were interred Monday forenoon. The dead included five officers and twenty-eight men. The officers were: —Lieut. Alfred Bakewell, H.M.S. Onslaught; Lieut. C. E. Sperling, H.M.S. Petard; Acting Sub-Lieut. Frank A. Single, H.M.S. Warspite; Prob. Surg. H. J. Dingle, H.MS. Petard; Warrant Officer Charles McCarthy, Gunner, H.M.S. Onslaught. All the Admirals available in the vicinity were present, including Admiral Sir Robert Lowry and Admiral Sir David Beatty, and they were accompanied by over 200 officers and men from the various units of the Fleet. A marine brass and reed band and the pipe band of a Royal Scots battalion preceded the cortege, and alternately played mournful music as they marched along the winding road of three miles length which lies between the hospital mortuary and the cemetery, and past the groups of villagers who had gathered here and there under the green hedgerows manifest their sorrow and sympathy with the relatives of the brave who had given their lives at duty's call. At the cemetery graves had been prepared in line along one side of the square, and as the coffins were taken from under the Union Jacks and laid in their last resting-place, religious services were conducted simultaneously by the Rev. R. H. O'Donovan, Church of England chaplain on H.M.S. Princess Royal, assisted by the Rev. Mr Lichfield, chaplain H.M.S. New Zealand: the Rev. Thomas Bradley, Roman Catholic Church chaplain on H.M.S. Tiger; and the Rev. Mr Charlesworth, Wesleyan Church. The Rev. Frederick Smith, Church of England hospital chaplain, was also present. The simple and impressive ceremony concluded by the buglers sounding the Last Post and the laying on the graves of a large number of beautiful wreaths.”
Aberdeen Press and Journal - Wednesday 7 June 1916.
McCarthy Christopher (Midleton Wall)
K.23974, Stoker 1st Class, HMS Lion, Royal Navy.
Born: 23 December 1897, Saleen, Midleton, Co. Cork.
Next of kin: Mother, Margaret McCarthy, Lisanley, Cloyne, Co. Cork.
Killed in action: 31 May 1916, Buried At Sea. Commemorated at Plymouth Naval Memorial Devon, United Kingdom.
Morrison Michael (Midleton Wall)
236291, Petty Officer, H.M.S. Defence, Royal Navy.
Born: 26 April 1888, Ballycroneen, Co. Cork. Registered district of Aghada.
Next of kin: Father, Thomas Morrison, Ballyeroneen, Cloyne, Co Cork.
Killed or died as a direct result of enemy action 31 May 1916, body not recovered for burial. Commemorated at Plymouth Naval Memorial Devon, United Kingdom.
O' Brien David
187778, H.M.S. DefenceRoyal Navy
Born: 6 Feb 1876, Aghada, Co. Cork.
Next of kin: More research required but pension record shows guardian to children Julia O’Brien. Three children, Sons Patrick James, David John and daughter Ellen.
Killed or died as a direct result of enemy action 31 May 1916, body not recovered for burial. Commemorated at Plymouth Naval Memorial Devon, United Kingdom.

David O'Brien, who lost his life on H. M. S. Defence on May 31st, 1916, in the North Sea battle off Jutland. He is the eldest son Patrick and Julia O'Brien, Saleen, near Aghada. His wife died about four years ago, and he leaves three young children.
Cork Examiner 23 June 1916.
Thomas Wafer (Whitegate memorial)
220997, Leading Stoker, H.M.S. IndefatigableRoyal Navy.
Born: I May 1887, Finure, Whitegate, Co. Cork.
Next of kin: Mother, Mary Wafer nee Sisk, Finure, Whitegate, Co. Cork.
Killed or died as a direct result of enemy action 31 May 1916, body not recovered for burial. Commemorated at Plymouth Naval Memorial Devon, United Kingdom.

The story of Aghada’s contribution to the greatest sea battle during this period.  To that end the following is a breakdown of one hundred and seven Navy men from Aghada who fought in the Battle of Jutland, The roll of honour is as follows:

Bíonn súil le muir ach ní bhíonn súil le tír.

There is hope from the sea, but there is no hope from the land (grave).

Dedicated to my family ancestors who fought in Jutland
M. 12378, Blacksmiths Mate, Maurice Cosgrove HMS Defence (K.I.A)
165278, Acting Chief Petty Officer, John Cosgrove, HMS Revenge
228580, Leading Seaman, William Cashman, HMS Hampshire
K29032, Stoker 2nd Class, Maurice Kiely, HMS Defence (K.I.A)

Skagerrak - Jutland 1916

This research is on-going and if anyone has any further information or memorabilia and would  like to share, I would appreciate if you contact Salty Historian.

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